Calendar Date:
Repeats every month on January, March, May, July, September, November on the second Monday.
Monday, July 8, 2024 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Get certified in CPR and AED. Fast, fun, and useful. Protect yourself, your family, and everyone.

The CPR/AED course includes adult/child/infant CPR, AED use, and infant choking.  This course includes a practical examination for successful completion.

This course is taught using the American Heart Association Heartsaver curriculum and upon successful completion students will be mailed (within 10 business days) a certification card valid for 2 years. 

The fee is $55.00, $70.00 for CPR combined with First Aid.  The $70 registration fee for combined courses cannot be split between different months and courses must be taken back to back nights.  There are no refunds if you are absent for one course. If you chose to take First Aid and CPR over separate months the fee for the two courses is $110.00.  Preregistration is required. Registration for the course can be made with payment of cash or check at the Fire Department, Monday through Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM. This course is not designed for the healthcare professional.